Living in Excellent Health #81 — Recovering from Parkinson’s Through Love!

One of the keys, I believe, to recovering from the symptoms of Parkinson’s is to cultivate love. But not so much self-love, as opposed to understanding and bringing forth our true nature, which is love.

Self-love is extremely important, but the issue is that it can be fleeting. It can come and go and it can be affected by the opinions of others, especially, when we’re young, and especially when the critics are our parents. Also, it is often tied to our behavior: with good behavior, we are taught self-love, whereas with bad behavior we learn self-loathing.

Knowing our true nature … that we are pure love … divine love, actually, … is irrefutable. It’s like a dog knowing it’s a dog. A dog can never be a cat, no matter what anybody says. Similarly, we can never be anything but pure love, even when our behavior and the opinions of others suggests otherwise. And why do we behave poorly: because we’ve forgotten our true nature.

Until recently, I had been focusing on cultivating self-love as a way to overcome the symptoms of Parkinson’s, mostly by dissolving self-loathing, but then it occurred to me that undoing this damage could take forever depending on how many layers of self-loathing I have to clear … and I have no idea how many layers there are, because many of the layers were inherited or created at a time in my life that I simply don’t remember. Better, then, to address a truth that isn’t subject to the shortcomings of human understanding and influence.

The short of it is, I was taught to be ashamed of myself and to loathe myself, and I have lived in fear much of my life. This is what made it possible for me to develop the symptoms of PD. This is what needs to be undone.

In order to undo this damage and facilitate this transformation process, I have created a visualization exercise. I begin by visualizing myself sitting by the lake in front of our house [sometimes, I actually sit at the lake]. My back is straight, my shoulders are square, my head is up and I’m smiling. Then I see myself immersed in a bubble of light. This light can be any color; whichever color you most relate to. Then I recite the following: “I am immersed in a bubble of light. This light is pure love.” Then I visualize my body absorbing this light. Then I recite the following: “The light fills my heart with love. The light reveals to me my true nature. I am the light. I am love.”

This visualization is not meant to fix something or correct something that is perceived to be wrong, but rather, it is a reminder of a truth. That we are love.

What I believe is this: disease can only exist in the body of someone who knows their true nature only if it was there before they knew. That is to say, once we understand our true nature, our physical body will return to homeostasis and disease can no longer manifest.

7 comments on “Living in Excellent Health #81 — Recovering from Parkinson’s Through Love!

  1. Hi Fred,I would love to see you again.P.S. did you see the article in the latest Cottage Life about the family band?Paul.

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