Living in Excellent Health #51 — Forest Walks Improve Gait!


In my last post, I discussed the healing work I do while walking through the forest. I also mentioned that on a couple of occasions I have experienced what felt like a release, after which, my gait improved considerably. I have since discovered that my gait improves regardless of whether I experience a release, or not.

Let me explain.

A few weeks ago, I started doing my forest walk prior to power-walking on the road. At about the same time, I noticed that my gait was more fluid when I power-walked. I thought it was because the road surface had smoothed out, like it normally does at this time of the year. It’s a gravel road, and in the spring, summer and early fall, the road surface is mostly loose gravel, making it more difficult to walk.

One day last week, I decided to power-walk before doing the forest walk, and my gait was very stiff. So, I went back and walked the forest, then resumed power-walking, and my gait was considerably more fluid. I have repeated the process a couple of times since, and the results were the same.

I can’t say for certain what the physiological/neurological explanation is for this phenomenon, but it’s intriguing. I’m guessing that the combination of positive forest energies and having to step over sticks and rocks, is activating my parasympathetic [calm] nervous system, in turn, stimulating the release of dopamine, serotonin, GABA and other feel-good neurotransmitters and hormones. It’s interesting because I frequently trip over things, so I’m constantly aware of the potential for a fall.

So far, the effect has only been temporary. It’s not long-lasting. On a couple of occasions, my gait stiffened before I finished my power-walk. On both of these occasions, I was feeling particularly stressed prior to walking.

I’m not sure of the significance of this discovery, particularly given that my gait improvement is temporary. Also, not everyone with the symptoms of PD, and who walk regularly, will have the option of forest-walking, first.

But it would be nice to know if anyone else has had a similar experience.

Living with the symptoms of PD continues to fascinate me. I’m continually learning new things, particularly as it relates to managing specific symptoms.

Wishing you contentment.

7 comments on “Living in Excellent Health #51 — Forest Walks Improve Gait!

  1. I have read several very interesting articles about the benefits of forest bathing. Dr. Qing Li’s Shinrin-yoku is a therapeutic practice that allows you to spend time in a forest. Studies show that there are many benefits to human well-being from walking in the woods, including phytoncides. Have you heard of them?

    I’m posting links below and please I would like your feedback after reading.

    Happy New Year to you dear Fred (and all your readers), have a nice walk into the wild!


    And a book: Shinrin-Yoku – Dr Qing Li
    Into The Forest : How Trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness

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